American doctors are the worst in the world

By Brian O’Brien

The United States has lost more of its citizens to COVID-19 than any other nation. As of Aug. 17, we have lost 638,798 fellow Americans to the virus.

In contrast, India has lost 432,112 of its people. India has more than four times the population of the United States and has lost 200,000 fewer people. 

China also has more than four times the population of the United States, but has lost only 4,636 people. How is this possible?

Are Indian, and especially Chinese doctors, that much better at saving lives than American doctors? From the numbers, it appears they are by several orders of magnitude.

American doctors have epically failed in treating COVID-19 patients, with outcomes worse than doctors in Iran, Russia, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, etc.

Japan, a nation of 126 million people with one of the oldest populations on the planet, has lost 15,408 people to COVID-19. Massachusetts, with 6.9 million people, has lost 18,148 people. How can Massachusetts have lost more people to COVID-19 than Japan? 

Maybe to survive COVID-19, we should avoid American doctors like the plague and instead seek treatment from Japanese doctors.

When it comes to COVID-19, the American medical establishment has one overriding solution: vaccines. The solution our doctors are giving us is a leaky vaccine that does not prevent infection, transmission or death from COVID-19. More than 50 percent of our population is vaccinated, yet the pandemic continues. 

We have been subjected to media reports of doctors gloating about intubating unvaccinated patients before allowing them to die. We keep hearing from them over and over that all must be vaccinated. Yet, vaccinated patients are also dying of COVID-19. These vaccinated deaths are seldom publicized, but are increasing by the day. Meanwhile, India, with an 8 percent vaccination rate, has fewer COVID-19 deaths than we do. More disturbing, American doctors are now pressuring us to vaccinate our children who are at virtually zero risk from COVID-19. 

Why are American doctors pressuring us so intensely to receive these vaccines?  

The experts told us the vaccines would end the pandemic, but obviously this has proven false. The COVID-19 vaccines are failing before our eyes. We are seeing breakthrough cases across the nation. There have been so many breakthrough cases that the CDC has stopped counting them. More than 1,500 Americans have suffered fatal breakthrough cases, and the CDC admits this is an undercount. All the nonsense about the vaccines preventing the spread of COVID-19 and causing “herd immunity” has quietly been dropped. The next domino to fall will be the assertion that the vaccines are preventing hospitalizations and deaths. As breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths increase, the medical establishment already has its solution: boosters.

American doctors are pushing vaccines on us that were rushed into production. There has never been a coronavirus vaccine before because previous attempts failed to make it through trials. The NIH has stated that attempts to create coronavirus vaccines for SARS1, MERS and RSV failed because they resulted in antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE).

The NIH admits that COVID-19 vaccines could cause ADE, an autoimmune disorder similar to HIV/AIDS. Yet, doctors continue to push these vaccines on all of us and our children.

The Pfizer vaccine was developed in 9 months. The fastest vaccine ever developed prior was for mumps, which took four years. Side effects from the COVID-19 vaccines are beginning to emerge—myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, shingles and Bell's palsy to name a few. Instead of urging caution before mass vaccinating hundreds of millions of people with a vaccine that was developed in an unprecedented record time, the CDC and our doctors are telling us to ignore the possibility of damaging side effects, ignore the possibility of ADE, and instead get vaccinated, even if we are at low risk from COVID-19, and remarkably, even if we have already contracted and survived COVID-19.

American doctors took the Hippocratic Oath to "First do no harm." But it seems our doctors have interpreted this to mean first do no harm to the pharmaceutical companies that lavish them with money. Our doctors have put the interests of Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson above the interests and lives of their patients. They have prioritized their own financial well-being over saving the lives of their fellow human beings.

A few brave doctors and scientists are speaking out about the dangers of these vaccines and the damage they are causing their patients. Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Charles Hoff, Dr. Byram Bridle and the Nobel Prize winning virologist Luc Montagnier have presented evidence that these vaccines are hurting people, harming our children, and increasing the possibility of variants. And doctors on the front lines, such as Dr. Joseph Varon, have been heroically saving COVID-19 patients using simple protocols that are easily and cheaply replicated but are being suppressed by the media and the medical establishment. What has been the response of American doctors and the medical establishment to these doctors and scientists? Character assassination, termination from their positions, ridicule, anger and censorship.

We've been hearing a lot about how we must follow the science. In times like these, it's instructive to look back at the history of how scientific knowledge develops and evolves. 

Over time, a body of knowledge becomes consensus. Certain people master the body of knowledge and become experts. These experts rise to positions of authority in institutions, such as universities, hospitals and government bureaucracies. Meanwhile, practitioners and working scientists apply the body of knowledge in the real world. Sometimes, in practice, anomalies and aberrations will occur that don't conform with what is written in books and taught in schools. The practitioners oftentimes will speak out about information they have discovered that goes against the consensus.

When this happens, experts and authorities have often responded in predictable ways. They attack and ridicule the person who is casting doubt on their area of expertise. They go to the press and use their reputations and positions to character assassinate heretics who have strayed from consensus. They do this because they are not practitioners or working scientists themselves, but instead are bureaucrats who are in positions of authority. These bureaucrats often feel threatened by anyone who casts doubt on their dogma.

There are numerous examples of this pattern of behavior by authorities across time, from the persecution of Galileo to the attacks on Louis Pasteur. One of the most tragic examples is Dr. Ignaz Semmelweiss. Semmelweiss was appalled by the high death rate of mothers who gave birth in the modern hospitals that were being built in Europe in his day. Mothers from educated, modern, well-to-do families gave birth in hospitals staffed by trained doctors. Peasants gave birth like they always had, at home attended by midwives. Semmelweiss observed that mothers giving birth in hospitals died after childbirth at rates above 50 percent, but those attended by midwives did not die after childbirth. He discovered that the simple practice of doctors washing their hands could save the lives of these mothers who were dying of horrible internal infections. Semmelweiss spoke up about his discovery, but the doctors and experts of his day took offense and went on the attack. How could this lowly doctor accuse them of causing the deaths of young mothers? The experts used the press to character assassinate him. They ridiculed him at conferences and seminars and destroyed him professionally. Semmelweiss was silenced when he was committed to an insane asylum where he died. The deaths of mothers giving birth in hospitals continued until practitioners eventually concluded that Semmelweiss was right and the experts were wrong, and so they began going against consensus by washing their hands before attending to birthing mothers. 

Today, Semmelweiss is seen as a tragic hero while his detractors are rightfully seen as arrogant villains.

More than 600,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Yet people are still listening to the experts who have failed us. 

I believe that like Semmelweiss, eventually Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Charles Hoff, Dr. Byram Bridle, Luc Montagnier and Dr. Joseph Varon will be vindicated and seen as the heroes of our day because they were brave enough to speak out against the consensus. The villains will be those arrogant authorities who are in charge now and the doctors who are following their failed guidance. In my opinion, the chief villain of our time will be Dr. Anthony Fauci, a man whose solutions to the pandemic have failed, a man who has lied to the American people, and a man who may in fact bear direct responsibility for the deaths of more than half a million Americans. 

The dam is going to break. The sooner the better.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent article summarizing the truth about this "plandemic". Hopefully, all the villains of this disaster will be outed sooner than later.
